The Secret To A Fabulous Stair Runner: Part 4

Our fourth secret is to Give It Regular TLC.

Your stair runner gets a lot of wear and tear, especially if you have kids or pets.
The average person goes up and down their stairs 10x/day. That’s more than 14,000 trips a year with 4 people at home.
Imagine the dirt and grime that accumulates during all those trips!
What is Tender Loving Care for a stair runner?
1. Treat stains immediately. Remove debris. Then gently blot the spot, making sure not to push it deeper into the rug fibers.
Extra Tip: Use Kashian Bros Spot Remover, if you have it (FREE in store) to remove the spot.
2. Call a professional cleaner, if a stain remains, and get it cleaned within 24-48 hours.
Extra Tip: Make sure the cleaner hand cleans the stains and doesn’t charge extra for them.
3. Schedule annual cleaning and check-ups with a professional. The amount of dirt and debris that gets lodged in requires professional tools and expertise.
Extra Tip: Set a calendar reminder for your annual cleaning and check-up.
Call Kashian Bros at 847-251-1200 if you want to upgrade your stairs, floors, kitchens, or baths. We take care of the entire project, from start to finish.